Returning Member Registration 2019/20

Returning Member Registration 2019/20


SKU: N/A Category:

Please only register if you are CURRENT MEMBERS of Fremantle SLSC from last year or previous years


SENIORS ~  patrolling members returning includes ~ cadet’s U/14  to Masters and Long Service (U/14 – U/18  $170.00) (18yrs  & older $200.00) 


FAMILY MEMBERSHIP ~ children over the age of 24 are not included – membership fees totalling over $480 can register as a family.

ADDING a new Family Member, Please DO NOT register them through the website please contact the club [email protected].


NEW MEMBERS ~ please call or email the Club  93354359  or  [email protected]


NIPPERS ~  returning Nipper registration has now closed until 26th August ~ more information after 18th August.


**Please process all registrations for one family in one transaction. You can add as many membership categories to your cart. You can then put all the details for each member individually in the booking area and pay all together**